Wednesday, July 27, 2011

~ ~ Wondrous Words Wednesday ~ ~

Wondrous Words Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Bermudaonion's Weblog where we share words that we’ve encountered in our reading. Feel free to join in the fun (please do!) Be sure to leave a link to your post over at Bermudaonion's Weblog.

The words below are from Death Comes For The Archbishop by Willa Cather:

"Father Martinez continued at the head of. his schismatic church until, after his short illness, he died and was buried in schism, by Father Lucero.".

1. Schism
: is a division between people, usually belonging to an organization or movement religious denomination. The word is most frequently applied to a break of communion between two sections of Christianity that were previously a single body, or to a division within some other religion

2. Schismatic
: pertaining to a schism or schisms, or to those ideas, policies, etc. that are thought to lead towards or promote schism
: a person who creates or incites schism in an organization or who is a member of a splinter group

"Below them in the midst of that wavy ocean of sand, was a green thread of verdure and a running stream."

3. Verdure
: green vegetation, especially grass or herbage; greenness, especially of fresh, flourishing vegetation
: freshness in general; flourishing condition; vigor

"Running water, clover fields, cottonwoods, acacias, little adobe houses with brilliant gardens, a boy driving a flock of white goats toward the stream, - that was what the young Bishop saw."

4. Acacia
: a small tree or shrub belonging to the genus Acacia, of the mimosa family having clusters of small yellow flowers; any of several other plants such as the locust tree

"He felt as if he were celebrating Mass at the bottom of the sea, for antediluvian creatures; for types of life so old, so hardened, so shut within their shells, that the sacrifice on Calvary could hardly reach back so far."
5. Antediluvian
: of or belonging to the period before the Flood. Gen. 7, 8.
: very old, old-fashioned, or out of date; antiquated; primitive


  1. Yay! I knew a lot of these words, and I am so proud of myself today! I hope you enjoy the Cather book. She is an author that I have been meaning to try for some time now, but I haven't gotten around to it.

  2. I love Willa Cather's writing. Even these short sentences are beautiful. I just read a short story of hers this week and found a new word too.

  3. I'll read this book ! It seems to be written in French ! We used these four words !

  4. They seem to be adding acacia berries and juice to lots of foods these days so I knew that word. Thanks for playing along!

  5. Interesting words, thanks for sharing.

  6. Didn't know verdure. Thanks for teaching me something today.

  7. Willa Cather is one of my favorite authors. I luv that last word and sentence. The sentence is so powerful. I've never read this novel. Will make a note of it. She's a great author. Never grow tired of My Antonia or O Pioneers. The Lost Lady is another good one. How many novels did she write? She wrote a lot of short stories too. Thanx.

  8. I don't know that I've ever read any Willa Cather, she has some interesting words. I knew most of these, but couldn't have defined antediluvian at all. I've learnt something for the day before I've finished breakfast!

  9. For once, I actually know the words in one of these postings, lol.

    I read Willa Cather the first time last year, My Antonia, and would like to try her again. I will look forward to your thoughts on this one.

    Hope you are feeling well Amy :)
