Saturday, November 19, 2011

~ Saturday Snapshot ~

I was looking through some old photos yesterday and came across these. They're from a few years ago - it actually took me a few minutes to place them - but I just love how fascinated this kitten (I think it's Frankie, hard to tell from the back!) is by what's on the TV!

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce at her blog, At Home with Books. It's easy to participate, just post a photo taken by you, a friend or a family member and link to the Mister Linky at the bottom of Alyce's post.


  1. That's adorable! Our dog used to be fascinated by the TV as well.

  2. Cats are so curious! Our cat used to like watching birds, but couldn't work out why she couldn't find them round the back of the TV.

  3. That's so cute! One of our kitties came from a home with a big flat-top TV and used to sit on it. She was quite disgruntled to find that she couldn't relax on our flat-screen when we adopted her.

  4. I always wonder what they are thinking when they watch TV. Maybe they're trying to figure out how to get in there!

  5. That is so cute.

    Our old cat used to watch golf and curling and our kitten Solan likes watching golf and frequently checks behind the screen to see if I can get to the ball.

  6. I would like to be able to peek inside their heads and figure out what they're "thinking."

    Great shots!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  7. oh, how cute! Maybe he's thinking he'd like to get inside the screen.

  8. So cute Amy. Our cats get hooked on the tv as well from time to time.

  9. What a cutie! For some reason, neither of my kitties were ever very interested in the TV, although Cairo enjoys "watching" TV with me (i.e., she's very happy to hang out on my lap while I watch TV)!

  10. Cute. My mom's puppy is really into the tv right now, but he doesn't like when other dogs are on it. He feels he needs to scare them away.

    My cats are more of a watch from a far.

  11. That is so funny!! He's really really into the show!

  12. Our cats don't usually watch t.v., but the dogs and birds do! It's so funny to see them watching. I get such a kick out of it! Maybe the cats would watch if we put on a video of fish tanks!

  13. MY cat used to watch tv too. He especially liked soccer and would try to catch the players. My dog watches too, she likes to bark at anything with 4 legs and then try to run outside to catch them.
