Wednesday, September 14, 2011

~ BBAW Day Three: How Do You Do Community? ~

It's Day Three of Book Blogger Appreciation Week and the theme for today is How Do You Do Community?

That's a difficult question in some respects. One of the most vital aspects of community is, I think, Acceptance and it's a major part of the Book Blogging Community!

Starting and managing a book blog is a lot of fun and enormously rewarding. It can also be extremely over-whelming. Sometimes it may make you feel like your losing your mind! I love having a book blog and reading and reviewing books, as well as getting to know other bloggers is wonderful. But I learned not long after I began my book blog that I can only do what I can do. I discovered I have limits other bloggers don't have which, for me, stem from my health problems. I realized after pushing myself well beyond my limits that I may not be able to do things the same way or as much as other bloggers. This was difficult to accept. But, after a while I learned a very important lesson: that it's OKAY! It's okay if I don't read as fast as the next book blogger...or post a review everyday or every other day...or comment as frequently or on as many blogs as other bloggers...or leave as witty and amazing comments on every blog as other bloggers ...or post amazing, well-written reviews as some bloggers...and so on and so forth. It just matters that I do the best I can do, enjoy my blog and blogging as well as all that the Book Blogging Community offers!

And this same lesson applies to other Book Bloggers. We all have our issues and things going on in life that impact us in our blogging life whether it's a big family who needs our attention, a demanding job, health issues like myself etc. What's important is to remember who you are and to be that person in your blogging life. We're all different and we all have strengths and weaknesses. It's important to remember: You will be accepted for who you are in the Book Blogging Community. This is one of the greatest aspects of this Community: it is accepting of and accessible by every book blogger however and whenever you blog.

Like in real life, not every blogger will like you or your blog or be interested in you. And so what? Plenty will love you and your blog! Some bloggers want to talk books and blog books and that's all; some bloggers like to post about what's going on in their lives along with posting about and reviewing books; some bloggers review all sorts of products in addition to books! It's all okay. When you start blogging about books in some respect or other, you will find your niche in this Community and you will find other bloggers who accept you and your blog and whom you connect with and whose blogs you enjoy. There's room for everybody in the Book Blogging Community. If you love books and love to read, you and your blog will fit in in this amazing Community.


  1. It is love for books that holds us together...

    Community has kept me going in a MASSIVE reading slump. Or I would have fallen apart!

    Here is my post:

    BBAW: Community thingy II

  2. Amy, this is really great advice. It's so easy to get caught up in the numbers game and popularity, but I don't think it really matters if you're true to yourself. People will recognize genuine bloggers! Wonderful post!

  3. Wonderful post, Amy! It can be so easy to get caught up in comparing yourself to others that sometimes we need this sort of post to remind us that whatever we can do and whoever we are, we will have a place. Thank you!

    (And I just have to say, you leave some of the kindest, most thoughtful comments anyone could ask for, even if you don't comment on every post. You comment at least as often as I do!)

  4. Knowing and accepting your limits is a hugely important part of finding community in a way that WORKS FOR YOU - and it's not emphasized enough. Great post, Amy!

  5. What an excellent, insightful post. It's so true. I often feel bad that I can't do as much as I see other bloggers doing. But I have other priorities in my life that have to take precedence, and I shouldn't feel bad about that. Thanks you.

  6. This is so true, we all have our limits and go through times when we have lots of time to blog, and times when we're lucky if we can snatch ten minutes in a week! I do the best I can with the time I have, which isn't as much as other bloggers have, but I still enjoy blogging :)

    And I see you're reading Joan Leegant's Wherever You Go. I read that a few weeks back for the UK release and I very much enjoyed it. Hope you are enjoying it too.

  7. Wonderful advice! The most interesting aspect of book blogging is that we are all so different and yet still connected by a love for books. :)

  8. That's a great point about knowing your limits. I've had to step back recently myself, as I've run into a brick wall with the mental energy I devote to blogging. Recognizing this has made it much easier to focus on blogging as a fun, rewarding activity.

  9. You are so right - this is not a competition. It's all about promoting the books we love!

  10. Such good advice Amy. We need to blog for the love of reading and respect our limitations and just be who we are (which you do beautifully).

  11. One smart cookie - know your limits and accept them; that's a healthy attitude, which makes you a happy book blogger.

  12. I love the book blogging community!

    Hi, I am stopping by from the Philippines to visit your blog via the list of posts for Day Three

    Please Stop by My Blog if you Like To See My Ideas on Community Building

  13. It's really important to know what you can and can't do within your own blogging life, and those who can juggle it all amaze me. I am one who can't get everything done, so I pick and choose what is important to me, and do that. There is nothing wrong with knowing your limits!

  14. Such fantastic advice! Really great point. A lot of times I start stressing about something and then think jeez Amy (me Amy that is!) everyone is busy sometimes! And everyone knows I'm a bit nuts. So it's fine to do whatever I need to do!

  15. This is a great post, Amy. It's so hard to let some of the guilt go over not being a "good enough" blogger, but other bloggers accept us as we are and so we should learn to do the same for ourselves :)

  16. Wonderful sentiments, eloquently expressed :)

    I am going to remind myself of your insightful words the next time I find myself stressing over something related to my blog.

  17. Fantastic post! The book blogger community is so diverse, and everyone is welcome and accepted.

    P.S. I sent you an email about Twitter. :)

  18. When I get bogged down, I explore new blogs less, and you've helped force me out, for which I thank you. Lovely cat photo, too!

  19. You said it perfectly. I think the key to successful blogging is to do what feels good to you, participate as often as you can and let the rest go.
