Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday Snapshot

This is Huxley. He's very cute and sweet but not smart, not at all. He has two speeds most days: resting/sleeping or running from one spot to asnother like a crazy cat...frequently stopping for a cat snacks to fuel up!  He plays well by himself with cat toys but welcomes most other cats to play, too. Usually once per day he has a 'freak out' session during which he goes a litle nuts, runs up walls, hangs from the bottom of the bed and shimmies the length of it...things like that.  Huxley's very  fun and entertaining!

In the above photo Huxley is with his sister Hennessey. They get along for short peiods and then one of them, usualy Henny, gets annoyed, hisses and runs off.  I think it's because Henny is smart, has common sense and she doesn't suffer fools gladly!  Huxley's just sweet and playful. 
Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce on At Home with Books. It's easy to participate, just post a photo taken by you, a friend or a family member and link to the Mister Linky at the bottom of Alyce's post


  1. I love the name Huxley! Maybe he is smart - he conserves energy and just uses it in small bursts!

  2. Huxley sounds like a real sweetie, even if he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

  3. Cats crack me up.. they have such personalities

  4. What great cat pictures! And the names are awesome as well.

    Here's my Snapshot:

  5. He may not SEEM to know what he's doing when he runs about like a mad cat, but no doubt it makes perfect sense to him... :)

  6. I'm in love. They are gorgeous!

  7. He looks quite the character!

  8. So wonderfully cute. In the brain department he sounds a lot like our cat. Sweet and silly :-)

  9. Huxley and Hennessey are both very cute! Sounds like they are full of personality too.

  10. Haha two speeds! I think I only have one speed and that's slow. But then I'm not a cat ;)

  11. Huxley sounds like he has the same sort of personality as my youngest cat, except mine is smart and conniving. Huxley and his sister are pretty kitties.

  12. Huxley is a handsome man and has a great home!

  13. Boy Huxley and his sister look so much alike. Very cute even though he is a bit nutty.

    Our all black cat Buddy, does jumping jacks every night, leaping so high he almost reaches the top of the door jam.....same door every night.

  14. I love the contrast of the black ears and tail! What a cutey!

  15. I especially like the 'family photo' at the end :-)

  16. Not all cats are made to be equal. LOL. Huxley sounds sweet, if not a little dim. I had a cat once that was that way...she was the sweetest thing but I swear, if a cat could be blonde... Blondes... no offense.

  17. When Romeo lays like that with his legs spread out, we call it his "porn pose." : )
