Monday, November 7, 2011

~ Mailbox Monday ~

Welcome to Mailbox Monday, a weekly meme created by Marcia from A girl and her books. Below are the titles I received for review, won, purchased, or otherwise obtained over the course of the past week. Mailbox Monday is being hosted by the Mailbox Monday Tour blog this week. Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists!

Three Weeks in December by Audrey Schulman (from Europa Editions for review)

Mozart's Last Aria by Matt Rees (from Harper Perennial for review)
Out of Oz by Gregory McGuire (from Harper Collins for review)

The Informationists by Taylor Stevens (from Random House for review)

The Books of Simon Van Booy (win from Beth Fish Reads):

Everything Beautiful Began After
The Secret Lives of People in Love: Stories

Love Begins in Winter: Stories

The Storm in the Door by Stefan Merrill Block (win from Diary of an Eccentric)


  1. Glad to see Storm at the Door finally arrived. Mozart's Last Aria sounds so good; can't wait for your review! Happy reading!

  2. Ooohhh a review copy of Out of Oz - congrats and I hope you love it! I picked it up yesterday for some airport reading and am really enjoying it so far.

  3. Great haul! I have Out of Oz and Mozart's Last Aria on my wishlist, can't wait to see what you think of them! Enjoy your new reads!

    HF Virtual Book Tours
    Passages to the Past

  4. Wow! great array of books, enjoy!

  5. I LOVED The Storm at the Door, and found it to be so complex and nuanced. It was a really great read, and I hope that you enjoy it. Also, bravo for scoring such a great selection from Van Booy! I didn't really enjoy Mozart's Last Aria, so I hope that you have a better experience with it than I did! Great stack here today!

  6. What a great list. I hope you enjoy them all. The top two have absolutely gorgeous covers.

  7. They all look really good, especially Three Weeks in December. Enjoy your books!

  8. Look at all of those great books Amy. I am especially jealous of your Europa (one I hope to read at some point).

  9. Mozart's Last Aria looks so appealing. Great mailbox this week, Amy. Enjoy!

  10. We had some books in common. Congratulations on the great wins!!

  11. I am just in love with the lion cover! It says "Narnia!" to me!

  12. I'm so jealous you got Out of Oz. It's on my WL!

    Here's my Mailbox

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