I woke up very early this morning, I'm not sure why. I think it may have been because Betsy was chasing Magoo all over the room and I was jumped on and run over 3 or 4 times! I have a hazy recollection of a cat landing on my chest and one running down my leg and then stepping on my head. Oh well! So I decided to read. And several hours went by. It was great! I thought about getting on the computer to check my mail and blog about reading for Thankfully Reading Weekend but I knew I would get sucked in to the blogosphere and be on-line for a while!
Sam and I and the kitties had a lovely, quiet Thanksgiving yesterday. We watched a little bit of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. There were some wonderful floats and performances...and a few weird ones like the large group that jumped rope. But they were good. We watched a short movie my husband wanted to see because the singer and song-writer, Maynard James Keenan, from one of his favorite bands, Tool, is in the movie. I also like Tool and Maynard is an interesting and very talented guy. The movie, Sleeping Dogs Lie, is a mystery story and it's good but could be better. It should be longer. The cool part was that I didn't recognize Maynard at all, even after Sam told me which character he was! I've seen him in a couple of other movies and he just disappears into the character he's playing, completely. It's pretty amazing. We also watched some of the Godfather I and II and played with the kitties. I read while Sam did a NY Times crossword. And we cooked, of course! Dinner was great and so filling. But when we were cleaning up we realized that we completely forgot about the stuffing, it was still in the Turkey! LOL Nice moronic move, uh?! lol We had a good laugh over that! Good thing we have lots of leftovers. Bob, Betsy, Magoo, Huxley and Dopey really liked the turkey. Jazzy, Hennessey, Sadie and some of the other visiting kitties didn't seem to care much for it.
As far as reading goes, this morning I read more of Double Take: A Memoir by Kevin Michael Connolly. I am almost finished this book. I also started Perfect Life by Jessica Shattuck can't decide if I like this book. I want to like it, but I'm not sure. There are 4 or 5 major characters and I think I might dislike 3 of them. Not good odds. But I want to see where the story goes so I'll keep reading.