Tuesday, August 23, 2011

~ First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros ~

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros is a weekly meme hosted by Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea every Tuesday. The idea is to share the opening paragraph (maybe two) of a book you've decided to read based on the opening paragraph(s). The first two paragraphs for my book this week are below. This book has received wonderful reviews and I'm very excited to read it! Be sure to drop by Bibliophile By the Sea to read Diane's terrific selection this week and be sure to visit and read the contributions of other participants in this terrific meme who can be found in the comments!

Prologue: August 20th

This is the first time Alice has been allowed to walk back to their campsite from the Kelp Shed alone. She is fourteen, barefoot, her sneakers tied together by the laces and slung across her shoulder so she can feel the soft sandy dust of the single track road between her toes. Her sister Ellie fell asleep halfway through the square dance, dropping from hyper excitement to unconscious in a flash. Her father carries Ellie draped over his shoulder and casually, or so it seems, her mother says, “Come home when the dance is done.”

She can hardly believe it. The dance is still in her feet, still in her bones, the steps like an intricate game. She danced with everyone and anyone at all, old and young, men and women, just to stay on the floor and moving. The caller was a blind man with two fingers missing from his left hand. His face was wrinkled and brown from the sun, his body heavy and the voice that called the steps strangely high and sweet. A boy’s voice in a man’s body. A boy’s wildness, as though he had no awareness of himself in his body.

What are your thoughts about these 2 opening paragraphs? Would you read this book based on these paragraphs?


  1. Since I've had my eye on this book, I'd keep reading! Looking forward to your thoughts.

  2. I have a copy on my shelf, so I will be reading it for sure! I hope that you will be reading it too!

  3. I keep picking this book up because I'm drawn by the cover, but then I think I don't want to read it because I won't be able to relate to the 14-year-old narrator. Let me know how it turns out.

  4. I'd read it to make sure that she gets back to camp alright! Here's a teaser from my current read.

  5. I just got a copy of this one and am looking forward to it!

  6. Hmm, I was looking at this in B&N last week... would definitely continue.

  7. To be honest, I probably wouldn't keep reading. It just isn't a good fit for me.

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