Tuesday, August 9, 2011

~ First Chapter Paragraph(s) Tuesday Intros ~

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros is a weekly meme hosted by Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea on Tuesdays. Share on your blog the opening paragraph (maybe two) of a book you've decided to read based on the opening paragraph(s).

This is my first time participating in First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros. The book I've chosen Wherever You Go by Joan Leegant, has received wonderful reviews and will be on Tour with TLC Books next month.

Don't forget to drop by Bibliophile By the Sea and read Diane's terrific selection this week as well as any other participants in this awesome meme who can be!

The metallic clanging. The loudspeakers blaring in five languages. The luggage carousel coughed up its half-digested suitcases.

Yona Stern dragged her valises onto a cart and wheeled it to the line for Passport Control, her brain on automatic after the twelve-hour flight and the surreal change in time - it was still yesterday at home - threading her way through a sea of Hasidim in inky black hats, as if a flock of crows had swooped down and settled on everyone's heads. The ones on the flight from Newark had prayed nearly continuously as the time zones slipped one into the next and the sun beckoned them eastward like a hungry lover, congregating every three hours by the bulkhead and the galley and the economy-class restrooms, prayer shawls draped down their backs like superhero capes. Yona was not a believer, had not attended a religious service in years, and found everything about them - their antiquated dress, their tribes of offspring - disturbing, yet their fervent shuckling in the cramped corners of the plane had provided a desperately welcome distraction. A spectacle she could follow with a kind of craven compulsion because it allowed her, if only briefly, to get her mind off herself.

What are your thoughts about these 2 opening paragraphs? Would you read this book based on these paragraphs?


  1. I just got this book for review, so I will be reading it regardless, but based on your first paragraphs, I would have to say, heck yes, I'd read that!

  2. Amy, I LOVE this opening and can really visualize the scene...LOL

    I got this one for review, and someone is doing a group read with it soon I think so I hope to participate. Hope you love this one, and thanks so much for participating.

  3. Add me to the want to know more group!

  4. I'd definitely keep reading. Welcome to Tuesday Intros!
