Saturday, September 17, 2011

~ Saturday Snapshot ~ September 17 ~

My adorable kitties doing what they do best: Relaxing and Sleeping!

This last one isn't great quality but I just love it because of the way the kittens are sitting. The gray & white kitten (Gidget) and the black & white kitten (Scout) are sleeping aginst Huxley's body, (adult white cat with gray spots - in the pic you can see his back half & tail best!)
Scout got there first and curled up next to Huxley so when Gidget came along she simply sat on top of Scout ~ at least she was kind enough not to sit on Scout's head!

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce of at home with books.  It's easy to participate, just post a photo taken by you, a friend or a family member and link to the Mister Linky at the bottom of Alyce's post.


  1. Those are fun pics. I have two shuh tsu dogs but it is hard to get a picture of them together like this becuase one of them is afraid of the camera...

  2. Love the kitty with the teddy bear - good choice for cuddling.

    My Saturday Snapshots

  3. Well doesn't that all look cosy!

  4. They are adorable. And I absolutely love the name Gidget! How cute that she and Scout are sleeping on Huxley!

  5. They look like one happy family. Do they always get along?

  6. I love that third photo - such a sweet relaxed kitty!

  7. Aaaah, they are adorable. It's always fun to watch cats.

  8. I have a huge soft spot for black cats and I love the picture of yours all cuddled up with the teddy. So sweet.

  9. I love the eyeballs in that first picture!

  10. Amy...the black cats have such huge eyes!! I love the way the one in the second photo is laying - very secure indeed, and the last picture is precious the way the 3 of them are cuddled cute.

  11. Aww, I love it when you post kitty pics! That one on its back looks so darn comfortable. Thanks for making me smile!

  12. Love seeing photos of your sweet kitties! In the last pic I thought there were only two kitties until I read your post and looked more closely. They sure do like to cuddle!

    Have a great weekend. :)

  13. I love the third one ... that is one relaxed cat!

  14. Cats know how to entertain themselves, don't they?

  15. These are all great photos, Amy -- your cats are so cute!
