Saturday, October 8, 2011

Saturday Snapshot ~ October 8th

Addie developed a bad upper respiratory infection last weekend. After a trip to our Vet, she's been sleeping all week.
I've been doing a lot of that, too, since I got a cold on Monday and I've been cautious and careful so it doesn't develop into bronchitis or pneumonia...this happens to me all the time. blah!  I'm starting to feel better, head doesn't feel like it weighs 500 lbs anymore and my eyes stay open easily! Yay! lolol

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce of At Home with Books. It's easy to participate, just post a photo taken by you, a friend or a family member and link to the Mister Linky at the bottom of Alyce's post


  1. I'm sorry to hear that you have both been under the weather. I hope you feel better soon!

  2. I hope you both feel better soon! Such a lovely cat.

  3. Hmmm. Can you guys catch colds from each other? Our cat sneezes a lot and we think he must be allergic to humans! Cute photos.

  4. Oh, I hope you will be over your cold quickly. I hate it when my head is stuffed up. Lovely kitty!

  5. what sweet sweet photos! I hope you both are feeling much better very soon!

  6. Fun picture s- hope you are both feeling better!

  7. I hope you and Addie are back to normal soon!

  8. Hi!
    Hope you both are up and about soon. Have a great day!

    Just Books

  9. It seems that you and Addie need to recoup together. Lots of warm blankets and cuddles should do the trick! I hope you are both feeling well again soon!

  10. It is so fun to see how cat eyes turn out in photographs! Hope you guys are feeling better soon!

  11. Glad you and Addie are feeling better!

  12. Oh, Addie looks cozy in these photos. She is probably very happy that you've curled up with her...hope you're feeling better.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  13. Hope both of you feel better ASAP!

    Here is my Saturday Snapshot post!

  14. Oh no, poor you and Addie. I hope you're both feeling better soon! At least you have a good cuddle pal when you're feeling poorly.

  15. Look at you two recuperating together! I hope you both get 100% better soon.

  16. Hope you and your pretty kitty are feeling better!

    Here's my snapshot:

  17. I am hoping that you are feeling even better now. I heard that cats can catch colds from us. I've no idea if that is true, but I've always wondered.
