Saturday, October 29, 2011

~ Saturday Snapshot ~

It's snowing outside right now! Holy cow, Halloween hasn't even come yet!  A day like today is a great day for getting cozy and reading!  Jojo and, especially, Addie (the black & white kitty) have been very mushy and attention-seeking the last few weeks .  Whenever Addie and Jojo come in from outside, they run up to me, Addie meowing the entire time, and when they reach me, they rub their heads all over my hands, arms, legs, and, if I'm reading, all over my book! They also like to sit on me or right next to me, if they can, when I'm reading.  Neither Addie nor Jojo is a fan of being held, as you can see in the photo where I'm holding Addie, or trying to!, but otherwise they adore being petted and fawned over.

 Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce, At Home With Books. It's easy to participate, just post a photo taken by you, a friend or a family member and link to the Mister Linky at the bottom of Alyce's post.


  1. Your kitties are always so sweet!

  2. Cute cats. It's always fun that they have different personalities. Too bad about the snow.

    I'm looking at our cat who is busy recovering from both being neutered and having three pins removed from his (now almost healed) broken leg yesterday.

  3. Cats are the funniest creatures. Bet they are glad to be inside instead of outside in the snow!

  4. In the top picture, I can't tell where one cat ends and the other begins! lol they look very cozy together.

  5. SNOW?? in October? WOW! Beautiful kitties...I'm partial to black cats :)

  6. I cannot believe you have snow! Wow! And your kitties look adorable!

  7. Hi Amy! A snowy day is always perfect for staying in and catching up on reading. And the kitties are happy to be home as well I see. They are so lucky to have such a good mommy. Have a great weekend and enjoy!

  8. You can keep the snow! Your cats look like they're hugging in the top photo!

  9. It's much too early for snow. However, we should be getting some fairly soon. Cute cats!

  10. Love the little kitties! They just look so adorable and happy to be snuggling with you and with each other!

  11. How are you holding up in that weather? It's warm here (again) but I heard that a lot of folks by you were having a really hard time of it.

  12. Amy, they are all so sweet-what better way to spend the day than snuggled up with your babies. Mine are with me on their bed.
