Tuesday, February 21, 2012

~ First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros ~

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros is a weekly meme hosted by Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea every Tuesday. To participate share the opening paragraph or two (I shared a couple extra here) of a book you've decided to read based on that paragraph. This book has been very positively reviewed on many blogs. I’ve wanted to read it for quite a while and was very fortunate to win a copy from Zibilee at Raging Bibliomania. This book has been enticing me from the shelf for a few months now and I couldn’t ignore it any longer! I’m looking for to a many hours of enjoyable and entertaining reading
Don't forget to drop by Bibliophile By the Sea and read Diane's selection this week and be sure to visit and read the contributions of other participants in this terrific meme who can be found in the comments!

The Improper Life of Bezellia Grove by Susan Gregg Gilmore
Apparently among those who consider their social standing some measure of importance, I am to be admired, for I am one of few Nashvillians who can claim with infallible certainty that a blood relation has lived in this town since its inception. My mother, although a Grove by marriage, never tired of sharing this piece of family trivia at cocktail parties or morning coffees, convinced that it elevated her position far beyond what her birth parents could have guaranteed.
And whether she did exaggerate the details in the hopes of impressing her peers, the truth remains that a poor Carolina farmer did pack his bags some two hundred and fifty years ago and set out to cross the Appalachian Mountains, heading west with his young bride determined to claim a few acres of his own and a better life for his family. He probably didn’t have a penny to his name by the time he got to Fort Nashborough begging for a hot meal and a place to sleep, but that doesn’t seem to matter to the Grove family anymore.
Legend has it that when the Chickamauga Indians attacked the Nashville settlement, they killed my ancestral father as he fought to protect his beloved wife. She grabbed the musket from her dead husband’s hands and continued the fight, killing three Indian warriors herself. Then she fell on top of her husband’s cold, bloody body and held him in her arms throughout the night.
Her name was Bezellia Louise, and for generations since, the first girl born to a Grove has been named in her memory. Although most official historians dispute any claims of her heroics, my father donated thousands of dollars to the Nashville Historical Society with the belief that eventually some fresh, young academic would see the past more according to my family’s advantage. But fact or fiction, I believed in her courage and passion and have always been proud to share her name.
What are your thoughts about these paragraphs? Would you read this book based on these paragraphs?


  1. WOW...that is a lot to take in for an intro, but I must say it really draws me into the story, and it makes me want to hear more about how her life turned out!

    Great share Amy; I hadn't heard of this one previously. Enjoy

  2. Interesting. I'd love to read your review!

  3. Oh, I loved this book, and can't wait to find out what you think of it. It was so moving and heartfelt. I hope that you enjoy it.

  4. I like that introduction! Seems like it will be a book you can really lose yourself in.

  5. I would keep reading! Look forward to your thoughts.

  6. I love this into as it does a great job of introducing the heroine. And what a name Bezeilla. If that were my name I would want a great story behind it too!

  7. I like when you get a strong sense of the narrator's voice right off the bat.
