Saturday, July 23, 2011

Saturday Snapshot: Coping with the Heat!

This is how the kitties deal with the sweltering heat!

Alyce of At Home with Books hosts Saturday Snapshot. To participate simply post a picture you've taken or one taken by a friend or family member and add your link on Alyce’s site.


  1. That is so cute and funny! I bet our cats are a little jealous of your cats. They would love it if it was warmer here (but I'm not complaining - it's been in the 70s all month and that's much cooler than usual).

  2. That's how we do it here in the South, too! I love the photos!

  3. Yep. Just lounge. That's what we've been doing here (with temps in the 90s-100s all week).

    Here's my Snapshot:

  4. LOL - that is an awesome picture! That's what Sammy does too - just lays back and bares it fir the world. It's too cute.

  5. Your kitties are the sweetest. I know how hot and humid it can get in NYC since I lived there pretty much all my life until a year ago. Hope you find some relief and cooler temps soon!

  6. LOL, how cute. They certainly seem secure at home with you.

  7. I love your cats! They look so 'laid back' in these pics. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Yup that's what my kitty looks like in this heat too. Great shots.

  9. Amy they are just adorable-I hope that you are staying cool.

  10. Oh my goodness, these are adorable pics! I especially like the bottom one with the paws in the air!

  11. Wonderful photo! Love the cats!!

    Here is my Saturday Snapshot post!

  12. Your pictures made me smile! Our greyhound, Zelda, is striking the same pose...

  13. ALYCE: You're killing me! 70 degrees? I'd be so happy! It was 105...the cats deal with ny stretching out and sleeping just an extra hour or more a day!

    BERMUDAONION: WHen it's hot, sleep, right?!

    VICKI: It must be the cat position! When I get a new cat, I'm always sure they trust me completely whn they're willing to sleep totally exposed like that!

  14. BEV: The heat is brutal! Lounging with a good book is the best way to deal with it. My cats aren't great readers, though!

    DARLENE: Sammy must look adorable sleeping with his furry belly exposed! Adorable!

    PESKY CAT: I'm sure you don't miss the hot & humid weather in NYC! Your photos from FLA look wonderful...and with mild weather!

  15. DIANE: I always know we've reached that level of trust when they sleep in such a vulnerable position. It always cracks me up too!

    DANA: Yep, laid back & lazy! Not a bad life, uh?!

    IRENE: Ah, so you see this belly-baring position first-hand! Thank you!

  16. ESME: Thank you!It's funny that they don't seem to like the A/C. I hope Penelope and Magellan are doing well!

    AVISANNSCHILD: That's my fave too! It cracks me up...she looks like she's in trouble for something & surrendering! lol

    GAUTAMI TRIPATHY: Thank you! Thanks for visiting!

  17. JOANN: Maybe our pets know something we don't - like the way to beat the heat is lie like that! lol

    EM: Well said Em & so true!

  18. Looks like a great way to stay cool. Cute cats!

  19. They are adorable just hanging out like that. Love your kitties!

  20. Cats love the warmth though! I remember mine sitting in the hottest places. Even my pup likes to hang out in the sun, but then again, she thinks she's a cat!

  21. Too adorable! Stay cool :)

  22. lol..I just love that first one.
